Piece of Me/ Shadows

Fringe 2024 Cast

8:20 Main Company

About the show!

This show will feature excerpts from ‘Pieces of Me’, our show from April 2024. You will also see some pieces of what we are currently working on for our 2024/25 season show, ‘Shadows’.

You should expect a full-out dance performance, both physically and mentally. You will experience a performance that transports you into a space where it feels safe to feel. In our past show, Pieces of Me, we saw dancers put together the parts of their lives that made them who they are today. How do all the pieces of us form together to make us whole? The new works that are in this performance you will see again in our upcoming performance of ‘Shadows’ in May of 2025. You will see us toying with the idea of ‘What are the shadows in our own life?’ ‘Do we choose to be in the shadows, or are we stuck in the shadows, never finding the light?’

You will leave finding a connection to either a piece, a dancer, or the whole show. Our goal is to let the audience feel welcome to draw their own narrative from what we share.


Fringe Show Dates:

Thursday, August 1st - 7:00 pm

Saturday, August 3rd - 4:00pm

Tuesday, August 6th - 10:00pm

Wednesday, August 7th - 8:30pm

Saturday, August 10th - 5:30pm

Where: The Southern Theater

1420 Washington Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55454

Tickets: Click here for Tickets!

What’s Next?

We will be starting rehearsals for our 24/2025 season in September for our new show, Shadows. We can’t wait to dive more into this show, along with additional works that will be included! Show dates are May 9th, 10th, and 11th, 2025, at Theater Elision Playhouse! We can’t wait to see you there!